Kamis, 04 Februari 2016



Based on his form, the culture has multiple elements or components, according to anthropologists Cateora, namely:

Culture Material
Culture material refers to all the community creations are real, concrete. Included in the material culture are the findings resulting from an archaeological dig: a bowl of clay, perhisalan, weapons, and so on. Culture material also includes items, such as televisions, airplanes, sports stadiums, clothing, skyscrapers, and a washing machine.

Nonmaterial Culture
Nonmaterial culture is abstract creations were passed down from generation to generation, for example in the form of fairy tales, folklore, and traditional song or dance.

Social Institutions
Social institutions, and the role that education gives a lot in the context of relating and communicating in the nature of society. Terbantuk social system in a country would be the basis, and the concept is applicable to the social fabric of society. Example In Indonesia in the town, and village in some areas, women do not need a high school let alone worked on one agency or company. But in the city - a big city it is upside down, a woman choose a career fair

the belief system
How communities develop, and build a system of belief or faith in something, it will affect the existing assessment system in the community. This belief system will affect the habit, how to look at life, and life, the way they consume, to the way how to communicate.

Associated with the arts, and the arts, music, stories, fairy tales, tales, drama, and dance -tarian, applicable, and thrive in the community. As in Indonesia every society has its own aesthetic value. The aesthetic value of this needs to be understood in any role, to convey the message that we will be able to achieve the goals, and effective. Suppose that in some areas, and are stricken, each will membangu saj buildings of any type should put yellow coconut, and fruit - fruit, as a symbol that every derah different meaning. But in big cities like Jakarta rarely may not look the way people use.

Language is a tool pengatar in communication, language for every Walayah, part, and the State has the distinction very complex. In the science of language communication is a communication component that is difficult to understand. Language has a unique eel, and the complex, which can only be understood by users tersebu language. So the uniqueness and complexity of this language should be studied and understood in order to better communication, and effective to obtain the value of empathy, and sympathy from others.

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